Grab your adventure buddies and your favorite snacks and join us for the much-anticipated online premiere of POW Athlete Alliance member Amie Engerbretson's new film "The Hypocrite," featuring POW founder Jeremy Jones and POW Alliance members Griffin Post, Austin Smith, Nina Aragon and more. The film showcases breathtaking landscapes and winter stoke while addressing imperfect advocacy through the lens of winter sports.

A film that squarely addresses imperfect advocacy in the world of snow sports.

Created by Professional skier and POW Athlete Alliance member Amie Engerbretson, The Hypocrite challenges the notion that athletes are hypocrites because they burn fossil foils by driving snowmobiles, skiing via helicopters, and chasing fresh snow around the world – all while advocating for the climate. This film showcases the realization that individual actions are not the core issue and that significant systemic shifts are needed to shape a different future. By dismantling the culture of individual blame that leads to guilt, the documentary encourages unity and collaboration among individuals who share a common passion for the outdoors and for the protection of their playgrounds.

This film project was made possible by collaboration and partnership between POW x Teton Gravity Research and additional film sponsors, including Atomic, 11th Hour Racing, Scott, Spyder and Sierra Nevada. Thank you to everyone who made this film possible!

Join us in watching "The Hypocrite"

, get inspired and share the link with your friends. The best collaboration on climate advocacy happens among individuals who share a common passion for the outdoors, after all. 

NZ Shred